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Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes and Nephropathy: The CANVAS Program and CREDENCE Study

Invokana®(canagliflozin) is indicated for the treatment of adults with insufficiently controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus as an adjunct to diet and exercise:

  • As monotherapy when metformin is considered inappropriate due to intolerance or contraindications
  • In addition to other medicinal products for the treatment of diabetes

For study results with respect to combination of therapies, effects on glycaemic control, cardiovascular and renal events, and the populations studied, please refer to section 4.4, 4.5 and 5.1 of the Invokana SmPC. 

Prescribing Information can be found under Useful Resources

The Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes and Nephropathy: The CANVAS Program and CREDENCE Study

This video is part of The Many Faces of Diabetes webinar titled “Glycaemic control and renal and cardiovascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes”. Professor David Wheeler uses a case study to describe the treatment his patient with type 2 diabetes and how he used the results of the CANVAS program and CREDENCE study to influence his prescribing decision.
Presented at The Many Faces of Diabetes national webinar on 13th July 2023.
Duration 17 minutes

Dr David Wheeler

Dr David Wheeler

Professor Wheeler is a Research Partner with The George Institute for Global Health and has developed clinical practice guidelines for several organizations, most recently for Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO), of which he is currently Co-Chair. He is Clinical Lead for Division 2 of the North Thames Clinical Research Network and heads a team of eight clinical trials nurses/practitioners at the Centre for Nephrology, Royal Free Hospital in London. He is past president of the UK Renal Association, past chair of the UK Renal Registry and currently National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) National Specialty Lead for Nephrology.

PP-ENDO-UK-142 September 2023

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