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Diabetes and Endocrinology Webinars

Invokana®(canagliflozin) is indicated for the treatment of adults with insufficiently controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus as an adjunct to diet and exercise:

  • As monotherapy when metformin is considered inappropriate due to intolerance or contraindications
  • In addition to other medicinal products for the treatment of diabetes

For study results with respect to combination of therapies, effects on glycaemic control, cardiovascular and renal events, and the populations studied, please refer to section 4.4, 4.5 and 5.1 of the Invokana SmPC.

Prescribing information can be found next to the watch the webinar buttons.
These recordings are intended for UK Healthcare Professionals only. Please ensure members of the public can't see or hear the content


EASD insights and highlights- Dr Sarah Davies and Dr Kevin Fernando

EASD insights and highlights- Dr Sarah Davies and Dr Kevin Fernando

Doctor Sarah Davies, GPWSI in diabetes from Cardiff and Doctor Kevin Fernando, GPWSI in diabetes from Berwick report on fatty liver disease, the debate on type 2 diabetes remission and how they manage their patient's HbA1c.

EASD insights and highlights- Amanda Epps and Dr Shazli Azmi

EASD insights and highlights- Amanda Epps and Dr Shazli Azmi

Amanda Epps, Lead Diabetes Specialist Nurse in East Kent, Doctor Shazli Azmi, a consultant diabetologist and endocrinologist from Manchester discuss the importance of sick day rules, MDT management of type 2 diabetic patients and the introduction of artificial intelligence in patient care.

EASD insights and highlights- Hannah Beba and Alia Gilani

EASD insights and highlights- Hannah Beba and Alia Gilani

Alia Gilani, Senior Diabetes Clinical Pharmacist from Sheffield and Hannah Beba, Consultant Diabetes Pharmacists from Leeds Health and Care Partnership, review the holistic management of type 2 diabetic patients, the importance of patient choice and early start of SGLT2is.

Webinar recordings

<h3>Primary Prevention in Primary Care: SGLT2is in Type 2 Diabetes</h3>

Primary Prevention in Primary Care: SGLT2is in Type 2 Diabetes

Dr Rajay Narain, Honorary Consultant Cardiologist at St. George's University Hospital

Honorary Consultant Cardiologist, Dr Rajay Narain, talks about the disease burden of type 2 diabetes (T2D) on the NHS and the use of Invokana (canagliflozin) in the treatment of T2D. He explores the results of the CANVAS Program which looked at the effects of canagliflozin on CV, kidney and safety outcomes, and the CREDENCE Trial which was dedicated to show outcomes in T2D patients with albuminuric chronic kidney disease.

This presentation was part of The Many Faces of Diabetes national webinar on the 14th of November 2023, titled “Primary Prevention in Primary Care.

<h3>The role of SGLT2Is in the GLP1-RA Shortage</h3>

The role of SGLT2Is in the GLP1-RA Shortage

Speaker: Vicki Alabraba, MSc Diabetes Practice, BSc (Hons) Nursing RN, Independent Prescriber

Diabetes Specialist Nurse, Vicki Alabraba, talks about how she has used SGLT2is for the management of her type 2 diabetic patients during the GLP1-RA shortage. She focuses on the effectiveness of canagliflozin for HbA1c reduction alongside other beneficial characteristics.

This presentation was part of The Many Faces of Diabetes national webinar on the 14th of November 2023, titled “Primary Prevention in Primary Care.

<h3>Implementing SGLT2 inhibitor prescribing into your diabetes practice</h3>

Implementing SGLT2 inhibitor prescribing into your diabetes practice

Alia Gilani, Senior Diabetes Clinical Pharmacist

Senior Diabetes Clinical Pharmacist, Alia Gilani, explores the benefits of SGLT2 inhibitors in type 2 diabetes beyond glycaemic control, how to address clinical inertia and the clinical benefits of Invokana (canagliflozin) for type 2 diabetes.

This presentation was part of The Many Faces of Diabetes national webinar on the 14th of November 2023, titled “Primary Prevention in Primary Care.

<h3>Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes and Nephropathy: The CANVAS Program and CREDENCE Study</h3>

Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes and Nephropathy: The CANVAS Program and CREDENCE Study

Speaker: Professor David Wheeler MB, ChB, MD, FRCP

Further info: July 13th 2023- The Many Faces of Diabetes National Webinar.
Duration: 17 minutes. Short description: This video is part of The Many Faces of Diabetes webinar titled “Glycaemic control and renal and cardiovascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes”. Professor David Wheeler uses a case study to describe the treatment his patient with type 2 diabetes and how he used the results of the CANVAS program and CREDENCE study to influence his prescribing decision.

<H3>Implementation of Guidance in Primary Care (NICE, ADA, EASD)- Working together to influence change</h3>

Implementation of Guidance in Primary Care (NICE, ADA, EASD)- Working together to influence change

Speaker: Professor Partha Kar MD FRCP
Further info: July 13th 2023- The Many Faces of Diabetes National Webinar. Duration: 17 minutes
Short description: This video is part of The Many Faces of Diabetes webinar titled “Glycaemic control and renal and cardiovascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes”. Professor Partha Kar’s presentation focuses on what the guidelines say about the treatment and management of type 2 diabetes, new additions and how to consider them in your local practice.

<h3>Working together with Primary Care to improve Kidney Outcomes in People with Diabetes</h3>

Working together with Primary Care to improve Kidney Outcomes in People with Diabetes

Speaker: Dr Janaka Karalliedde FRCP PhD
Further info: July 13th 2023- The Many Faces of Diabetes National Webinar. Duration: 17 minutes
Short description: This video is part of The Many Faces of Diabetes webinar titled “Glycaemic control and renal and cardiovascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes”. Dr Janaka Karalliedde’s presentation explores how primary and secondary care can work together to provide better outcomes for people with type 2 diabetes.

<h3>Navigating the Minefield of Prescribing and Engagement in People with Type 2 Diabetes</h3>

Navigating the Minefield of Prescribing and Engagement in People with Type 2 Diabetes

Speaker: Professor Katharine Barnard-Kelly PhD
Further info: July 13th 2023- The Many Faces of Diabetes National Webinar. Duration: 16 minutes
Short description: This video is part of The Many Faces of Diabetes webinar titled “Glycaemic control and renal and cardiovascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes”. Professor Katharine Barnard-Kelly’s presentation explores the barriers to treatment intensification for type 2 diabetes, how this can effect the patient population and how we can look to overcome these barriers for our patients.

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